Supervisor: Kenny Paul <>
Announced end of poll: 4:00 PM Pacific, Wed. Sep. 12, 2018
Actual time poll closed:
Private poll (36 authorized voters)
Actual votes cast: 30
Number of winning choices:
Condorcet completion rule:    (What is this?)
CIVS Ranked Pairs

Poll description

This is a stacked-rank vote. Please rank each candidate in your order of preference to lead the subcommittee over the next 12 months. Please note: The order the candidates are presented in is randomized for each ballot sent.


1. Tied:
Deng Hui  (Not defeated in any contest vs. another choice)
Andy Mayer  (Not defeated in any contest vs. another choice)

For simplicity, some details of the poll result are not shown.  

Result details

1. Deng Hui   -14
2. Andy Mayer   14 -

Ballot report

 Deng Hui Andy Mayer
1. No opinion 1
2. 1 2
3. 1 2
4. 1 2
5. 2 1
6. 2 1
7. 2 1
8. 1 2
9. 2 1
10. 2 1
11. 1 2
12. 2 1
13. 1 2
14. 1 2
15. No opinion 1
16. 1 2
17. 2 1
18. 2 1
19. 2 1
20. 1 2
21. 1 2
22. 2 1
23. 1 2
24. 2 1
25. 2 1
26. 1 2
27. 1 2
28. 2 1
29. 2 1
30. 1 2

Ballots are shown in a randomly generated order.

[Download ballots in CSV format]

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