Supervisor: James Blair <>
Announced end of poll: 2018-05-09 16:00 UTC
Actual time poll closed:
Private poll (17 authorized voters)
Actual votes cast: 11
Number of winning choices:
Condorcet completion rule:    (What is this?)
CIVS Ranked Pairs

Poll description

The mission statement for the Zuul project.


1. To provide software and processes to automate continuous integration, delivery, and deployment of interrelated software projects in a secure manner using project gating.  (Not defeated in any contest vs. another choice)
2. Automate continuous integration, delivery, and deployment of interrelated software projects in a secure manner using project gating as the mechanism to prevent acceptance of broken source code.
3. Test code and integrations. Protect code bases and developer time. Enable rapid, trunk based development. Scale as needed., loses to Automate continuous integration, delivery, and deployment of interrelated software projects in a secure manner using project gating as the mechanism to prevent acceptance of broken source code. by 6–5
4. Provide Open Source solutions to the modern software engineering life-cycle: tools for best-practices in code review, automated testing, continuous integration, deployment and release, loses to Test code and integrations. Protect code bases and developer time. Enable rapid, trunk based development. Scale as needed. by 7–3
5. The Open(source?) solution to the modern software engineering life-cycle; providing the tools for best-practices in code review, automated testing, continuous integration, deployment and release, loses to Provide Open Source solutions to the modern software engineering life-cycle: tools for best-practices in code review, automated testing, continuous integration, deployment and release by 7–1

For simplicity, some details of the poll result are not shown.  

Result details

1. To provide software and processes to automate continuous integration, delivery, and deployment of interrelated software projects in a secure manner using project gating.   -5 7 9 10
2. Automate continuous integration, delivery, and deployment of interrelated software projects in a secure manner using project gating as the mechanism to prevent acceptance of broken source code.   5 -6 7 9
3. Test code and integrations. Protect code bases and developer time. Enable rapid, trunk based development. Scale as needed.   3 5 -7 8
4. Provide Open Source solutions to the modern software engineering life-cycle: tools for best-practices in code review, automated testing, continuous integration, deployment and release   2 4 3 -7
5. The Open(source?) solution to the modern software engineering life-cycle; providing the tools for best-practices in code review, automated testing, continuous integration, deployment and release   0 1 2 1 -

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