Poll supervisor: Ram Koya <>

The poll has ended. [ See poll results ]

Actual time poll closed:
Total authorized voters: 7
Votes actually cast so far: 4
Announced end of poll: 07/19/18
Email load: 0.00
Write-in choices are not allowed.
Detailed ballot reporting is disabled.


This poll is to elect DMaaP PTL for the year of 2018-2019.
Dear DMaaP committers, As mandated by ONAP process, PTL elections must be held at least once a year. You can read more details here: An email to solicit nominations has been sent out on July 12th and the nomination phase ended on July 16th, 2018 12:00 CST. We received only one nomination during nomination phase but we still need to set up a poll to officially finish the election. This is a private poll, It means you receive your own unique URL for voting, and can only vote once. Your email addresses will be forgotten by the system immediately after the email is sent.


The top choice will win.

Add voters

Enter email addresses of voters, one per line. These may be new voters or existing voters who have not voted yet. In a private poll, giving the email address of an already existing voter will not let that voter vote twice. It will only resend the voter an invitation to vote. In a public poll, only a token attempt is made to prevent multiple voting.

Upload file:

 Invite even voters who have already voted?