Please rank the following ideas for improving the CIVS service. If you think an idea is a bad idea, rank it below "do nothing ranked below this". You can also write in new ideas. Your feedback is appreciated!

Only the single favorite choice will win the poll.
The poll ends at some point. The poll supervisor is Andrew Myers ( Contact the poll supervisor if you need help.

Give each of the following choices a rank, where a smaller-numbered rank means that you prefer that choice more. For example, give your top choice the rank 1. Give choices the same rank if you have no preference between them. You do not have to use all the possible ranks. All choices initially have the lowest possible rank.

 Choice Rank
Allow linked ballots: choosing a particular option on a ballot causes a conflicting response on a linked ballot to be reported or fixed.
Take into account a normalised proportional system which does not make any individual's 1st choice more important than another individual's 1st choice (write-in)
Allow for voter signature.
Automatic time-based closing of polls.
reading Frederick Douglass (write-in)
Support electing last uneliminated Scwartz set member in IRV. (write-in)
Make reported poll results more understandable
Make current results visible even before a poll is closed, even for private polls.
allow the poll supervisor to edit features of the poll such as who can see the results (write-in)
Support sending results by email through the system.
Election supervisor-defined text field for the beginning of system mail subject line.
1 (write-in)
Allow write-in entries to be case-sensitive (good for voting on branding) (write-in)
Support comparison with Simple Majority vote (write-in)
Allow voter to check and revise vote (until vote is closed).
Make results universally verifiable
Make voting ranks say "1st choice", "2nd choice", ..., "nth choice" instead of 1, 2, 3,..., n
Add "Edit" and "Remove" option to write-in added choices both for admin and creator. (write-in)
Support Range Voting.
Support pairwise comparison of the alternatives, so as not to confuse voters when there are many alternatives.
Support Schulze STV and Schulze Proportional Ranking Method (write-in)
Allow polls that can be repeated (e.g., for daily restaurant choice)
Support more Condorcet completion algorithms
Poll option to have an acceptability threshold pseudo-choice. (write-in)
Strengthen privacy mechanisms
Show times with local timezone in election results.
Optionally encrypt candidate names to protect against server operator
Emmanuel Levinas (write-in)
Add links to the candidates in the GA vote. (write-in)
(Do nothing ranked below this point)
When voting, Cmd+click to select multiple or Shift+click to select a range (write-in)
Submit elections where individuals vote a variable number of shares, rather than just a single vote. The administrator assigns the number of shares for each voter, based on the shares they own. (write-in)
Allow option to reveal list of people who voted, but without their ballots.
Switch to "radio buttons" when poll has only two choices (write-in)
Allow option to display ballots and voter receipt instead of voter email.
When adding a write-in, don't throw away my rankings so far (write-in)
No opinion should be assumed for pre-write-in opinions.
Support IRV elections
Allow for the creation of "voting tickets" on paper with url and qr-code for quick voting by mobile on-site (write-in)
Strengthen security mechanisms
add Hypatia as a competing journal for vote (write-in)
Add option to re-send ballots ONLY to non-voters, to avoid spamming those who already voted! (write-in)
Improve the user interface for voting
Allow option to reveal list of invited email addresses to voters, to avoid ballot stuffing by the administrator. (write-in)
Tie votes to something other than IP address for those with NAT (network address translation) addresses.
Allow multiple questions per poll
Add a "DESTDIR" var to the install script for ease of distribution package creation
Allow to submit weights for each voter, eg by integer number after voter's email (write-in)
Add support for STV multiple winner: Schulze, CPO, Meek, Warren (write-in)
Redo the look of the site.
Integrate with a good survey/polling system (write-in)
Explain how to upload and format ballots better for someone who knows nothing about computers. (write-in)
Improve performance of computing poll results
Allow the administrator to choose the poll language (write-in)
Support Approval with votes optionally conditional upon recipient having more unconditional votes than any of your unconditionally approved candidates (write-in)
Dont use Ip addresses to identify voters.. there are about 20 of us here and it said our vote was already done...only one person voted. (write-in)
Support languages other than English
Allow option to only accept ballots with a strict complete ordering. (write-in)
Support Alternative Schwartz and Alternative Smith (IRV on these sets) (write-in)
Use cookies for public votes in lieu of ip addresses to work around NAT. (write-in)

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Show QR code for this poll.

If you have already voted, you may see the current poll results.