Supervisor: FIWARE TSC <>
Announced end of poll: 25/07/2016
Actual time poll closed:
Private poll (83 authorized voters)
Actual votes cast: 64
Number of winning choices:
Condorcet completion rule:    (What is this?)
CIVS Ranked Pairs
Bottom-2 Runoff

Poll description

These are the elections for the individual member representatives in the FIWARE Technical Steering Committee. Please rank the candidates accordingly.


1. Juanjo Hierro  (Condorcet winner: wins contests with all other choices)
2. Alex Glikson  loses to Juanjo Hierro by 48–11
3. José Manuel Cantera  loses to Juanjo Hierro by 53–3, loses to Alex Glikson by 30–29
4. Federico Michele Facca  loses to Juanjo Hierro by 48–12, loses to Alex Glikson by 29–20
5. Clara Pezuela  loses to Juanjo Hierro by 54–5, loses to Federico Michele Facca by 31–20
6. Chulani, Ilknur  loses to Juanjo Hierro by 52–8, loses to Clara Pezuela by 24–18
7. Alvaro Arranz  loses to Juanjo Hierro by 48–6, loses to Chulani, Ilknur by 28–23
8. Alvaro Alonso  loses to Juanjo Hierro by 52–7, loses to Alvaro Arranz by 23–22
9. Francisco de la Vega  loses to Juanjo Hierro by 49–4, loses to Alvaro Alonso by 22–18
10. Joaquin Iranzo Yuste  loses to Juanjo Hierro by 54–4, loses to Francisco de la Vega by 24–18

For simplicity, some details of the poll result are not shown. 

Result details

1. Juanjo Hierro   -48 53 48 54 52 48 52 49 54
2. Alex Glikson   11 -30 29 34 35 36 33 35 40
3. José Manuel Cantera   3 29 -29 33 35 33 38 34 39
4. Federico Michele Facca   12 20 29 -31 34 36 36 37 38
5. Clara Pezuela   5 18 17 20 -24 21 27 24 29
6. Chulani, Ilknur   8 18 20 17 18 -28 30 27 33
7. Alvaro Arranz   6 21 16 18 23 23 -23 19 29
8. Alvaro Alonso   7 18 16 16 16 17 22 -22 27
9. Francisco de la Vega   4 18 15 15 17 20 14 18 -24
10. Joaquin Iranzo Yuste   4 12 11 11 12 12 16 16 18 -

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